Want to boost your landing page conversion rate? Ensure it has these 5 essentials

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BJM Digital

The whole point of a landing page is to convert. Whether you’re targeting an organic search term or promoting a specific offering through an AdWords campaign, you’ll no doubt want your landing page to inspire and convince a visitor to take further action. So how can you boost your landing page’s conversion rate? Ensure it has these five essential factors of a high-converting landing page.

  1. A clean, uncluttered and appealing first impression.
    The first step to conversion is keeping people on the page. We all know first impressions count, and that for a web page these impressions can be blisteringly fast – as fast as 50 milliseconds, in fact. That’s why it’s vital to eliminate all clutter and provide the right impression right away to keep visitors from leaving your landing page. Important design elements include:

    Colour can impact emotions and behaviour. Will you create a welcoming or energetic atmosphere with warm colours like orange or red, promote growth and vitality with green, or inspire a calming and dependable impression with blue tones?

    Low-resolution imagery and stodgy stock photos can send landing page visitors packing. Instead, consider using dynamic imagery (or video) that captures the solution to the customer’s problem. Hero images might include your capable team, or your product or service in action.

    Walk into a retail store that’s cluttered with old stock and junk, and you’ll surely lose faith in the business. Your landing page is no different. It needs to be modern, fresh, easy to follow and include call to action (CTA) buttons that are tempting to click. Elements such as icons and background sections can be used to break content up effectively.
  2. A fast (and excellent) reason to stay.
    What’s the key problem you’re solving for your customers? Once you have this locked down, it’s all about making it instantly clear to landing page visitors how you’ll be able to help – and why they should keep reading. Your heading and subheading are pretty much the most important elements on the page next to your CTAs, so these will really need to speak directly to the customer’s pain points and needs.
  3. Thoughtfully placed calls to action throughout the page.
    Everyone’s journey from initial intrigue to conversion is different, and while some people might diligently read all the way to the bottom of the landing page, others simply won’t get there. It’s vital to have a call to action close to the top of the landing page and placed throughout, to make it clear what the next step of action is and to optimise your conversion rate.
  4. A structure that puts the user first.
    People are less inclined to care about a company’s size or history as much as they want to know how their problem will be solved. This can still be important information to share, but the primary focus should be on the would-be customer and their journey. While the list below isn’t definitive by any means, it may help in planning out an effective user-focused structure:
    • What you’re offering and why (your heading and sub-heading)
    • How to get started (your CTA)
    • The reasons why someone should choose you over competitors (features and benefits)
    • Other clients or people you’ve helped, and what their experience was
    • How to get started (your CTA, again)
    • Compelling information about your company’s expertise and experience
    • You guessed it – how to get started!
  5. Evidence of your credibility and authority.
    As people are probably visiting your landing page as a result of a Google search or paid ad, they might not have familiarity with your brand name or reputation. Whether your conversion action is to have visitors provide contact details or make a purchase, it’s vital that they quickly know they can trust you. We have two words for solving this issue and building visitor confidence: social proof. Clearly displayed customer testimonials, reviews and case studies can all be invaluable elements and encourage greater conversions.

Ensuring these essentials are in place will absolutely help you to boost your landing page conversion rates, but if you could use some more specific support then the team at BJM Digital can help. Give us a call on (03) 9421 4747, and we can get talking about digital solutions to suit.

Ashley Pickering

Design Lead



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